
Friday, November 13, 2009

Six And More Travelling Tips

Travelling is great fun, but it can be stressful, especially if you have to make lots of connections. I have put six of my favourite travelling tips below.

Time For A Change: some people find that the best way to reduce jet lag is to change the time on your watch to suit your destination time while you are still seated on the plane flying there. Then you have to live the rest of your time by the destination time, which means that you should eat and sleep by that time. It will help you get into the swing of things a lot more easily.

Cleaning Up Your Act: if the person sitting next to you on the plane spills some of his or her dinner over you and you are in your best outfit in order to make a good impression on arrival, you do not have to panic. Just ask the flight attendant for a few bottles of soda water and soak the stain out with a cloth. You should be clean and dry by the time you arrive. at your destination.

Lost Or Stolen Passports: it can be a real nightmare being without a passport when you are abroad, because it is a statutory requirement to carry ID at all times in most countries and a driving licence is not usually enough. However, the local embassy or consul can issue you a new one within twenty-four hours, provided that you have the correct details to give him. The minimum you should have when you go for a replacement is your old passport number and a copy of your birth certificate, but it is even better if you have a photocopy of your passport as well.

Up A Class: there is no doubt that track suits are easily the most comfortable clothes for travelling in, but if you think that there is a chance you could possibly be upgraded due to an over-booking or something, do not wear one. Wear something smart and neat, because airlines will practically never upgrade anyone wearing shorts, T-shirts or jeans and the like.

All Steamed Up: not all hotels in all countries provide an iron. If you find yourself in such a place and you need to get creases out of your favourite clothes, you can steam the creases out. Hang the clothes up in the bathroom or shower and run the hot water for five minutes. Turn the tap off but leave the clothes hanging there for another five minutes and the creases should be gone.

No Ice Please: if you are travelling in a country where it is not safe to drink the water, it is better if you do not take ice in your drink unless you have made it yourself from bottled water. This is because freezing does not kill germs it just preserves them ready to spring back to life when they warm up again. You can not rely on the alcohol in a drink to kill them either.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is currently involved with Tanning Bed Supplies. If you would like to know more about Tanning Bed Bulbs, tanning beds and accessories, please go over to our website for some great offers.

Tanning Bed Supplies

There are various tanning bed supplies on the market that are designed to increase the enjoyment you get from your home or salon tanning bed sessions. I have listed some of the most popular tanning bed supplies below.

Safety First: it is essential to wear some form of eye protection and many salons require the use of goggles or glasses. You can follow suit at home by hanging up a sign expressing your house rules and providing a pair of glasses.

Tanning Bed Bulbs: I have covered tanning bed bulbs, tanning lamps or tanning tubes elsewhere on this web site, so I won't repeat my self here. Suffice it to say that your bulbs have to be changed regularly, according to the manufacturer's recommendation. These essential tanning bed supplies may well 'keep burning' after their expiry date but their power output may be severely reduced.

Tanning Bed Lotions: these are the second most common tanning bed supplies. indoor tanning lotions are in fact the very opposite of conventional suntan lotion, which is designed to prevent sun tanning or sun burn. The purpose of indoor sun tan lotion is to increase the effects of ultraviolet light to make you tan more quickly. This is commonly achieved by increasing the flow of melanin to the top layers of the skin. This is brought about by either adding melanin to the lotion or by stimulating the body's own supply of melanin.

The tingle factor is the term used to describe how the stimulation of melanin is achieved by chemical irritants. There is no guaranteed method of rating this tingle factor although some manufacturers do try. The problem is that a tanning bed lotion that has no tingle effect on one person, may produce mild pain in another person.

The other purpose of indoor tanning lotions is to moisturize the skin. Tanning, both indoor and out, dries the skin, and intensive tanning can accelerate the process. Adding moisturizer to the lotion attempts to seal the skin's natural moisture in the skin. Thee tanning bed supplies usually contain less alcohol than regular skin moisturizers.

Physical Comforts: some of next most popular tanning bed supplies include fans, radios, towels, cushions and pillows and hair and nail protectors. The hair protector is for people whose hair tends to frazzle under tanning bed. Some people believe their nails suffer too.

Other Tanning Bed Supplies: some people like to put a fun sticker on their skin when they tan. When you remove the sticker after the tanning session you have a free, painless and removable tattoo. Some people believe that some capsules increase the effectiveness of ultraviolet rays and they like to take one a few hours before the tanning session. I have no idea whether they are effective or not. Other essential tanning bed supplies are cleaning and deodourizing fluids and disinfectant, which most people at home and all salons use after each tanning session to prevent the spread of skin diseases like dermatitis. Finally, you can get tanning bed rebuils or repair kits to keep your tanning bed in tip-top condition should some unfortunate accident happen to it.

Tanning Bed Bulbs

Tanning bed bulbs are used in every single tanning bed, tanning booth, sun hood, sun canopy or suntan lamp on the market. When you are buying a new, or especially a used home tanning bed, take a good look at the home tanning bed bulbs. Make sure that they are proper home tanning bed bulbs and that they meet modern FDA guidelines for health and safety. You should also consider how easy it is to get at the tanning bed bulbs. Make sure that the bulbs are not difficult to change when you need to. It is quite important, and a lot cheaper, if you can perform such simple maintenance operations yourself, when you own your own home tanning bed.

There are two very different, non-interchangeable kinds of tanning bed bulbs or lamps used in conventional and high pressure home tanning beds. You need to make sure that you get the right tanning bed bulbs for your home sun bed, because you cannot use just any sun lamp you like. If you are ordering replacement tanning bed bulbs on the Internet, check the make and model of your existing home tanning bed's lamps very carefully, because you have to ensure that the tanning bed bulbs you are buying are right for your home tanning bed.

High Pressure Tanning Bed Bulbs: high pressure beds use quartz tanning bed bulbs that come in a variety of sizes. The argon gas used in these home tanning bed bulbs is pressurized to slightly higher than atmospheric pressure. The tanning bulbs in these beds are located in the hood of the bed, so that you tan from above only. When you have tanned the skin on one side of your body for about 10-12 minutes, you have to turn over and tan the other side. The flat bed of these tanners is a lot more comfortable than that of a conventional home tanning bed.

One of the biggest advantage of these HP lamps is the amount of time you have to spend on the home tanning bed. Because you tan faster with these high pressure tanning bed bulbs, you need to spend less time on your home tanning bed, which means it works out cheaper. You can get the level of tan you require in about three weeks of three to five sessions each week. However, with a low pressure bed, it would take you at least a month to acquire the same depth of colour. Maintaining your tan is much easier too. You only need two or three sessions each month to maintain the colour, as opposed to four times that many visits to a conventional salon bed. Many of these tanning bed bulbs use UVA rays only, not UVB rays which are almost solely responsible for sunburn.

Conventional Tanning Bed Bulbs: Conventional, or low pressure sunbeds use long tube lamps that look like regular, domestic fluorescent tubes. The tanning bed bulbs are located above and below the tanning bed, which means that all the body areas are browned at the same time, without having to roll over during the tanning session.

Conventional home tanning beds use tanning bed bulbs that emit UVA and UVB rays in varying levels. Some use both rays and others emit mostly UVA with some UVB rays. UVA rays are responsible for the (premature) ageing effects on the skin and UVB rays are the burning rays that cause sun burn when you are outside in the sun. It is very important to determine which type of rays your tanning bed bulbs produce, because you must ensure you replace your existing tanning bed bulbs with the same new lamps after about 1,000 hours of use.

Another factor to bear in mind when selecting the type of tanning bed bulbs you use at home or in the salon, is the tanning bed lotion you will use. Different lotions are better for each type tanning bed bulb's light emissions. The staff at your tanning salon can help you choose a lotion that will work for the tanning bed bulbs you are using and your skin type. No matter what home tanning bed bulbs you are using, you should definitely always use a lotion. Lotions help you tan more quickly and moisturise your skin at the same time.

by :Owen Jones.

Article Source from : http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Owen_Jones

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